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jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Barack Obama Speech

During our classes you asked me for Barack Obama's Discourse. It is a new age for the United States due to he is the first black president in the history of US.

People, tired of Bush' absurd promises, have given a vote of confidence to this new president who looks for social welfare of Americans.

Try to watch and understand his discourse and respond to the questions below.

In the folowing link you can find a lesson plan for intermediate students with some activities proposed. Look at it, and try to do it.

Please, try to look for some video where our current President is speaking English language for official purposes.

How do you consider it is his English? Do you think our politicians have a good command of English language? Why? 

Would you like to be Obama our Spanish President?

Post your comments on 'Comentarios'.

6 comentarios:

  1. Manuel, como se dice?... como se llama?...

  2. ohhh sorry ¡you are manuela!, te puse manuel jojojojojo xd

  3. Thank you so musch for you write some things about the new Barack Obama president. I like the information that you put in the web because the Barack Obama's discourse I believe it very interesting . I don´t seen the Barack Obama´s discurse stiil. So thank you again. I hope that you up date more things to your page.
    A greeting

  4. Good Job!

    I was looking for that discourse and here it is.

    Thank you so much!

  5. Great job!

    I was looking for that discourse and here it is.

    Thank you so much!


Thank you for your comments and participation.